I only want two things

 I only want two things right now.

1. To wind up my father's company properly and quickly, so my siblings and myself don't have to stress anymore about it.

2. To reinvest the money before my wife spends it all, so that she, me and our son will have some income.

I tried to think of a third thing but actually everything else is insignificant. Even comedy. I think I gave up the dream somewhere along the way, even if I never wanted to admit it. I would not mind it if I found a way to enjoy comedy again, but chasing a comedy career doesn't seem to be the way for me. Sometimes I think I am hanging on to comedy because I am afraid of having no identity. Honestly, I've lost the drive for it and although I would not mind finding it back, realistically, it's quite possible that I might never do.

This is all old man talking. I wish I could tell all this to my son sometimes, but I don't want to burden him more than I already have with my tiredness.


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