The worst is over, back to writing

There was a big fight at the meeting. Nothing anybody could have done about it. Anyway, it's over and I am focusing on comedy again for a bit. I always feel like I am starting and stopping with comedy.

The last show went well, even though I wrote my set at the last minute. So now I'm thinking I should write out my sets more often. Tonight, I'm doing the new material set which is Jason's show. I need 15 minutes of new(ish) jokes.

Here's my set (I am writing it out now):

My wife and I have been married for 17 years and I scratch her back every night. Anybody here scratch your spouse's back at night? I salute you ma'am. Because it's hard work! Coz I would scratch my wife until she falls asleep and this is my hand, scratching... and this is her...snore...snore...snore.. and after the third snore, I would stop scratching and she'd be like "Why you stop?" (L)

The other night I scratched for half an hour and I was like tired already lah, so she said, "It's okay, I'll help you." And then she grabbed my hand behind her back and scratched herself with my hand. I was shocked. I didn't know my wife was so flexible. She could have scratched herself all these years. (L)
So the other day, I bought her a backscratcher. This is how guys think, you know. You got a problem, we solved it, that shows we love you. But women don't think like that.  Women are like, "Why you buy a backscratcher? Don't you want to scratch my back anymore? You don't love me anymore? I thought I knew you!" (L) That's what my wife said. I felt so stupid you know. She didn't want a backscratcher. She wanted a slave. (L)
So the other night, I was scratching her back as usual, and I couldn't find the right spot. It's like sex, I'm always on the wrong spot. (L) So after awhile she got tired of me getting the wrong spot and she picked up the backscratcher and I thought "Oh My God! My suffering is over!". She picked up the backscratcher and then she pointed to where she wanted me to scratch! (L) So yeah, I'm glad she finally found a good use for it - good shopee purchase.

The reason my wife wants me to scratch her back is she just wants to manja. Manja is when a woman wants attention, so she acts like a baby. And it's cute and it's fun, WHEN YOU ARE DATING. It's fun because she's like a baby and you get to be a dad. (L) Coz when we're dating, and she's like "I'm sad!" I'm like, "Oh you poor thing. Come here! Do you need a hug? Do you need to cuddle? What's wrong?" And of course, nothing really is wrong, she just wants to manja. All that changes when you have a real baby. Now you're both tired, you're up all night, sterilising bottles, changing diapers, feeding the baby, and she's like "I'm sad" and I'm like "WILL YOU CUT THAT SHIT! I'M TRYING TO KEEP THIS THING ALIVE!" (L)

My wife likes to take photos, and I would help her take photos and whenever the photo turns out bad, it would be my fault. Why you take from so high, you make me look short, take from lower, and turn the phone upside down. so I squat down and take from lower and, turn the phone upside down, and she'd be like, "You take from so low, now I have a double chin!" (L) 

When my wife asks a question, I can choose from two answers - the logical answer and the correct answer. "Eh why you take this photo when my eyes are closed?" The logical answer would be "BITCH, THEN DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES LAH" but the correct answer is "Sorry baby, let me take another photo of you." (L) I always go for the correct answer once in awhile, when I run out of patience, I just say fuck this shit, nothing is going right, I'm dropping a truth bomb, whatever happens happens. The other day, I was taking photos of my wife and she was not happy with any of them, and nothing I did was good enough for her, and then the last photo I took of her, she took one look and it and showed it to me and said, "Eh, why I look so fat?" And I said, "Then go on diet lah!" (L) End of the photo session. She didn't talk the rest of the day. I celebrated with an ice-cream cone and she couldn't have any because of the calories. Best day ever! (L)

You guys happy about the election results? Could be better, could be worse, right? I feel like we're in a different timeline than we used to be... like somebody fucked with a time-machine and now we're in a different part of the multiverse.


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