The Six Cookies (part 2/6)

 Ernest Hemingway supposedly said Write Drunk, Edit Sober. Actually, I just googled and he didn't actually. It doesn't matter. It's kind of a famous saying, whether he did or did not. It's a good saying. It's short, it's catchy and it sounds like the truth. It's got a good rhythm to it. 2 syllables, comma, 4 syllables. It's like "Do Now, Worry Later". I think many modern writers have expended it to Write High, Edit Sober. I think most comedians have. I think some of them write high and edit high. Sheng Wang probably does. Hahaha.

I can never write high and edit sober. I'm too fidgety a writer. I often edit a sentence before I am done writing it.  I'm my own worst micromanager. I think it's obsessive compulsive. So I can only write high, edit high. Or to be more accurate, write and edit high. Like I am. Right now. I took a cookie. That feels like it should have been a separate paragraph.

I took a cookie. One of See Ming's friends sent her a tiny plastic jar of 6 cookies. She'll never touch them. Feels like a waste to throw it out. But also worried that Max might eat them. So I told the Laughing Gas gang that I had it. I'll write this part later (for my info, it's all in the messenger conversation with Tuck).

So for this second cookie, I told myself I would use it to create something. So I am writing and editing high right now.

Sorry about all the jumping around in the story. The ideas are coming in much faster and I am catching them much slower, so all of a sudden, I can't catch them fast enough. Which is a welcome dilemma, because before this, it was the other way around, which is fucking useless because what is the use of being fast at something that never happens. It would be about as useful has having a charisma of 18 when arm-wrestling an Orc. Wow, Sim, that D&D reference is gonna really latch on with the mainstream audience. 

I'm not complaining. This is wonderful, actually. This is creative. Productive. Creative. Oh My God! I get it now! Being Creative means forgiving yourself for all failures past and future. Wow. That is going straight into my Twitter. Who am I kidding? Even if it flies, I'll never get the credit for it. It'll probably get attributed to Ernest Hemmingway. But it is a beautiful idea that deserves to exist. Goodbye, idea. If this is how it has to be, be free, so that you can continue to sprinkle your splendor on the universe. Those three words don't often go together - "on the universe". You don't do anything on the universe. You do it to the universe or in the universe. On the universe suggests that there is a space and time and you outside of everything that ever existed. You're good kid, but not that good. Oh no! Now I'm personifying my idea, and having an argument with it. There's your problem, Sim. You can't get with anyone. Not true. I get along with people fine. I just can't get along with ideas. More and more, these days. I shoot them down. 

But not right now. I love these ideas. I am aware of the possibility that tomorrow, I might read this and find that everything that I thought was brilliant turned out to be stupid. I am aware of that. I'm high, not stupid. If you're reading this and not enjoying it, bookmark this page. Come back to it when you're high. You might just get it. If you can navigate the bookmark menu high, that is. Heck, I can't even do it when I'm sober.

I keep saying sober. I'm not even sure if that's the right term for it. But it's less of a mouthful than "back to normal". How about we just say, "back to the future"? That will be our code. Just between you and me. It's true anyway. It will be the future.

What do people say? The word for the opposite of being high? Being straight. No, that's something else. Oh shit! I just googled it and the first two suggestions are sober and straight. Hell yeah! Shootin' from the hips! 2 for 2! 

Anyway, I think it's weird being Chinese and high. I feel like I'm not maximizing my enjoyment if I also don't find something to taste and eat. So I ate a banana. I better not overdo it. I'm going to weigh a ton by the end of the 6th cookie.

See Ming's home. I gotta go act sober now. Or straight. 

Let's have a rule that when I eat the next cookie, I have to write about something other than being high. I'm going to hold you to your words, Sir. No cheating!

(Update: December 12, 2021. It's five months later. There's half a cookie left. I'm not even sure it's edible. I didn't stick to the plan to write whenever I ate a cookie. I mostly used them to help me fall asleep, which isn't a bad use for them but I'm disappointed for not writing and there's not really a lot more to talk about in terms of the edibles)


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