I will never trust Zuckerberg

Is it me or does Mark Zuckerberg look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings? If I didn't know who he was and you showed me a video of him, I'll be like this is not real, this is CGI. Like he almost looks real and then you hear him speak and you're like oh, no, he's definitely not human. I think that's why he's so crazy about the metaverse. He wants to live in a world where we all look like him...I mean it.

I know all these big companies are out to get our money but I feel like Facebook is the most blatant money grabber. Like with Google, it's subtle. Oh your Google Drive is out of space, would you like to buy more space? But with Facebook, it's basically like nobody will see your post unless you gives us money, would you like to give us money?

Somehow, I just trust Google more than I trust Facebook. I have to Google a lot of weird stuff for my jokes and I've always been okay with that but if FB came up with a search engine tomorrow, I'd be like, No thank you! I don't want to get a notification saying "Would you like to keep your search for 'mating rituals of gay dolphins' private for just $29.99? Or would you like us to ruin your life?"


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