Can we joke about abortion?

Disclaimer: I'm a comedian, so my views will be naturally biased. But, so are the views of woke people who make a living writing articles for Jezebel, so keep that in mind also.

As a comedian trying to make it today, everything you say has or do has to be done in sort of a humorous way. Every tweet or public statement you make that is not funny is a disservice to yourself because comedians are a dime a dozen and as much as we support each other, we're also competing for attention. It's competitive. You have to be funny pretty much all the time.

I used to think woke people and creative people are natural enemies. But now, I think we're often on the same side.

We cannot solve problems if we're not allowed to acknowledge them. You have to allow everyone to take part in the conversation, including people who are inclined to talk about it in a humorous way. Change is hard enough. When you start saying this group of people can talk about it, but that group of people cannot talk about it, your movement is doomed before it even begins. Yes, let people to protest in the streets, let them tweet, let them write to their Congressperson, but also, let them talk about it at a comedy show. Not only does this allow more people into the conversation, it also allows more ideas into it. This is a good thing. You don't change people's minds by having lots of people say the same thing in exactly the same way. Let the conversation grow organically. There is a way to make something funny without making light of it.

Take abortion for example. Some jokes are going to be pro-life and some are going to be pro-choice. Disagree with them as you see fit. But just don't shut down all jokes about abortion. That doesn't help anyone.

This idea that we want change but we can only talk about the problems in solemn tones while shaking our heads and furrowing our brows is fucking stupid.


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