I lost my wallet

 Ah shit!

I think I really lost my wallet this time. I repeated looked at all the usual places - the bedside drawer, the counter top outside my bedroom, the area around my main computer, the kitchen counter top, on the sofa, the dining table, the bookshelf in my man cave, the keys drawer. I have not seen it anywhere. I have misplaced my wallet and my glasses numerous times before but I have this sinking feeling that this time, I really dropped it somewhere while I was out or maybe I got pickpocketed.

I'm still looking around, hoping against hope that it is somewhere I just didn't see or somewhere I forgot to look, because I am really dreading having to replace my ID and drivers license and my credit cards. I definitely do not have the energy for it today.

Fuck me!

I spent yesterday cleaning up my man cave and was quite happy with the way it is slowly turning into maybe a usable space for my work this year (Recording Youtube videos, keeping important documents sorted).

Now I'm hit by this and it seems like such a small thing, but then life is already draining enough without having to deal with this.

Update: Disaster averted. I found my wallet on the dashboard of my car. I feel stupid to have wasted your time but I also feel like there's something to be learnt here, so I'm not deleting this entry.


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