Do what you can

Feeling pretty happy right now. Had an okay show last night. Got some laughs. Felt like I contributed to a show. Actually, what I wanna say is I saved the show. A little bit.

In our journey to better ourselves in our work and build a following, the main thing is to focus on our own journey and not get distracted by other people's journeys. But it's also an easy thing to say but hard to do. Yesterday, my friend told me that they get a bit envious of other comics who are getting featured in many shows at the local comedy clubs. I told them it's just inside their head and advised them to just ask if there are any shows they could be featured in or maybe even pitch some show ideas to the bookers. I know that sounds like good advice and it makes me feel like I'm like the wise old man but to be honest, I know what they feel because I feel it too. I'm always not too far from falling into the self-pitying trap myself.

Anyway, I told my friend to just focus on things they can change and one of the things they can't change is the past, so don't spend too much time regretting and just make sure they are making use of their time in the present. I hope I can follow my own advice.


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