The moonwalk.
Last night, I was on the Cake Talk Show podcast hosted by Saiful and Cheah. They asked me this question - "Outside of comedy, who are some of the people who inspired you?" I answered, "Douglas Adams, Michael Crichton and Michael Jackson."
Michael Jackson because he invented the moonwalk. And the way he released it to the world. This brand new thing that did not exist before. He nurtured it into existence, all by himself, without telling anyone. Everyday, just practice, practice, practice, not even knowing at first if it would even work. No support network, no hangintheres, no keepitups, no keepontruckins. Just everyday by himself, eyes on the prize. Lonely as a man planning a bank heist (or something else that needs a truckload of planning and loneliness). He did it the hard way. Why? Because he wanted to blow your minds! THAT'S an entertainer!
All casual like... BAM, drops the moonwalk on the counter. Everybody's head explodes!
That is how you do it.
Okay, there's also the matter of the allegations and controversies. I agree. I'm not saying make him a saint. But can we all not agree that that was a moment in history...carefully crafted by the hands of one man?
That's art. There's no erasing it. Hitler was a monster, but that doesn't mean he wasn't also a painter.
Not even going to comment on the quality of his art, because I don't want the Internet to implode.
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