I think I'm okay

I need to remember what I did this week, so I don't feel like I just wasted another week of my ever-shortening life.

I hosted an online mic on Thursday. I streamed a comedian chat on Friday. I spent exactly 1 day watching Tony Hinchcliffe videos on Youtube to determine if I liked him as a person (I don't). I spent 2 days in bed recovering from food poisoning, and 2 days recovering from backache.

I watched The Dig on Netflix. I cried at the part where the kid was upset about his mom dying.

I started watching Dr.K on Youtube again. I'm not sure if I did it to try and figure out some of my problems or to just distract myself from them. Maybe a bit of both.

I started reading Pride and Prejudice. It's really well written, but it's slow going for me. I'm hoping that as my attention span increases, my reading speed will too.

Dr. K said the best way to increase your attention span is to force yourself to do nothing when you're bored. That sounds horrifying. I'll work up to it, eventually. Right now, I'm trying to read books instead of watching Youtube videos. The keyword here is trying. Even my baby steps are divided into baby steps.


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