An argument with a teenager
Having a teenager is a pain in the ass. The snarkiness I can handle, but the snarkiness while being ignorant just makes me want to tear my hair out because it makes me feel like I've failed as a parent in more ways than one, like I've failed to teach him manners and I raised a stupid kid. Me, my wife and my son were flying back from Singapore yesterday, and we looked up at the big board to check which gate we were boarding at. My son says, "G1!" and starts rushing off. I said, "Wait!" and I took a few more seconds to look at the board. He was exasperated. Then I said, "It's not G1, it's G10." Our flight, AK712 was flying out of gate G10 to Kuala Lumpur. Gate G1 also had a flight to Kuala Lumpur but it was flight AK710. I looked on our boarding pass and our flight was AK712. But my brain had just absorbed all this information and I hadn't yet found the words to explain all this to a rushing teenager, so we went back and forth like this f...