Why I only talk about politics once every 5 years.

Around 2013-2016, I did quite a bit of what most Malaysians call, for the lack of a better term, political comedy. What I learned from it was, most of the time, people aren't into it. And I noticed the best time to do it is right before elections. After elections, it's just not really worth talking about the dumb things politicians do or say. People just aren't that interested.

I never figured how why but I recently did, so I'll share it with you. Most of the time, when we say look how stupid this politician is, look how bad this situation is, look how ridiculous our country is, we're just complaining without providing a solution. Nobody wants to be reminded how fucked up everything is. They came to the comedy show to escape from that.  And even when we do provide a solution, it is a comedic one and not a practical one. And this is true most of the time, except right before an election. Like a week before election, yes, we are still ranting and raving about how stupid things are...but at least the audience feel they have a solution to the problem which is the vote that they are going to cast the following week.

That is why I'll only do political material once every five years.


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