I Quit Comedy
I want to work on a project that I feel will be very meaningful to me. It will be called "I Quit Comedy", and the whole idea is that I will quit doing comedy by the end of the year, but before I do, I will write down all my jokes into a book, so that whoever finds/buys the book can come and perform those jokes. By doing so, I foresee one of two outcomes - either I get the brain juices going again and I write my first hour and ride a new comedy ego-boost that will carry me on for a year or so before it runs out again, OR I don't write an hour and I find out I'm just not good enough to be a modern comedian, in which case, well at least there is a joke book, so all those years of open mics and bombing didn't amount to nothing. I feel like if I am to "give" the jokes away in a joke book, it will force me to work on them a bit more. Pride and decency will not allow me to give away something that is half-completed. Off the top of my head right now, I can think...