Starting podcasting again

I keep thinking I am overwhelmed and I want to do less, but the reality is that I am just afraid of being overwhelmed. I keep thinking I have something stressful to think about at work and therefore should not have anything else on my plate, but the thing is I can't really do anything other than worry about it and meanwhile, I'm actually not really doing anything productive and I just end up watching Youtube and playing Plants vs Zombies. But on a subconscious level, I feel like shit, because I feel like my life is just passing me by.

Then on Sunday, I did a livestream with Jimmy Earll and I realised that is what I've been missing this whole time. I need this. If not for my career, then at least for my sanity.

So the plan is to get back into it, but to try and do it better than I did before.

Some mistakes I would like to correct this time around:

1. Paying too much attention to the viewers' chat and not focusing enough on the guest and content. I was pretty much relying on chat to fill the time and it made for really fluffy airy content.

2. Not editing down the livestream so that it is tight enough for a video/audio podcast. I was lazy. I just wanted to do the fun parts and ignored the tedious part. The livestream totally could have been a podcast if I did less streaming, and more editing.

3. Fixing technical issues like audio levels and audio clarity. I didn't know how to fix a lot of problems that I do now.

4. I never figured this out until now, but actually I can edit my two livestreams (the solo one and the guest interview one) together into one podcast. Each livestream can be a segment of the podcast. I'm a genius for figuring this out now, but also an idiot for not figuring this out earlier.

Update: A day after this, I did some research and realised non of my podcast heroes do it - Conan O'Brien, Marc Maron, Mike Birbiglia, Peter Holmes. They pretty much do a super short intro and launch straight into the guest segment. Now I don't feel like a genius. I feel like an idiot. Then I talked to a fellow podcaster, Steven Bones, and he talked me into giving it a try. So I'll give it a try, even though I feel weird about it. 10 minutes solo, 40 minutes guest, 10 minutes solo. 

5. I think it will be helpful to prepare 2 or 3 topics to talk about with the interview guest so that everything will tie in together nicely for the podcast.


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