
Showing posts from July, 2024

I never thought I'd be into Chinese Opera

My wife took me to a Chinese opera last night (Jingju Magic, part of the George Town Festival). I thought it was gonna be a drag but one of the stories had more drama than a daytime soap opera. This one guy called Zhuangzi married a woman and 3 months in, decided to go into the mountains to practise Taoism for 10 years. Then  he came back, faked his own death, pretended to be a rich young Jackson Wang-looking fella to seduce his wife and test her faithfulness. When, she fell for him, he's like, "Ugh! I have a terrible headache and I will die unless I eat the brains of your dead husband." So she goes, "WHUT! You're kidding, right? You don't wanna like, try a Panadol or something first?" He was like, "No, trust me bro. I need brains, if not, I'm dead by breakfast." She's like, "Geez! Um, okay. I must say, this is highly irregular, but I suppose since he's dead, he doesn't have any use for his brains anymore..." And he go